Thursday, July 17, 2008

Welcome to the Providence Blog!


This is the impromptu, unofficial blog site for the Providence home school co-op. It is moderated by Virginia Knowles, who may or may not have time for it during any given week. (In other words, I make no guarantee about how current this will be!)

The purpose of this blog is to give teachers an opportunity to post information and photos about their classes, such as what you have been doing, interesting web links or resources, that you have found, what you need feedback about, etc. I trust that everything shared will be edifying to the group! This is not a place for complaints or criticisms.

For privacy, please do not use last names when talking about your students. Also, please do not identify the city or any other identifying place where this co-op is located.

I will set up several categories that you can use for labels on your posts, such as grade levels. These will appear on the right hand side of the screen to make it easy for people to see posts by categories. Please do not use any other labels unless you check with Virginia Knowles.

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