Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Suggestions for blog posts

Dear PHE friends,

I know we haven't started the school year yet, but I would love to see some blog posts on topics like:
  • What my kids and I liked about PHE last year
  • Field trip ideas for this year
  • Your favorite Spirit day (pajamas, costumes, hats, etc.) along with pictures from last year
  • Your hopes and dreams for co-op this year
  • Why you love teaching the subject and grade level that you chose this year
  • What a great job Katrina and Jenny are doing!
  • Web sites with great resources for lesson plans, worksheets, information about school subjects we are covering this year, etc.

Let the posting begin!


Virginia Knowles

Thursday, July 17, 2008

PHE calendar basics

This is the information which Katrina sent on May 16.

It is already that time again! Here is important information concerning next school year. Mark your calendars, these are important dates you will need:

Start: August 11
End: May 4

Mondays off for holidays:

September 1 - Labor Day
November 24 - Thanksgiving
December 15, 22, 29 - Christmas
March 30 - Spring Break

We only meet for 33 weeks, with 31 weeks of homework. If at all possible, please try to plan vacations around the school calendar. Teachers, as you begin your lesson plans for next year, you will need to remember to plan to complete the book during the 33 weeks and that there is no homework the week of SAT testing or the last day of school, which makes the 31 weeks of homework. As soon as we know which week SAT testing is scheduled for, we will let you know.

High School Teachers and Curriculum

These are the high school teachers and curriculum that I know about as of July 17, 2008.

English: Jenny Klima and Beverly Rejonis, A Beka World Literature, novels, Total Language Plus study guides

Science: Apologia Biology or Apologia Chemistry

History: A Beka World History and Cultures 2nd ed, World Geography, Map Studies workbook

Algebra 2: Jay Klima, McDougal Littell Algebra 2

7th/8th Grade Teachers and Curriculum

These are the 7th and 8th grade teachers and curriculum that I know about as of July 17, 2008.

History: Tina Knight, A Beka America Land I Love

Science: Beverly Rejonis, Apologia Physical Science

English: Virginia Knowles, literature, BJU 7th grade Writing & Grammar

7th Math: McDougal Littell Course 2

8th Math: Nancy Couch, McDougal Littell Pre-Algebra

5th/6th Grade Teachers and Curriculum

These are the 5th and 6th grade teachers and curriculum that I know about as of July 17, 2008.

History: Jennifer Stephenson, A Beka New World History & Geography and Map Studies

Science: Terri Dunn, Apologia Zoology Swimming Creatures (new edition)

English: Rowena Stafford, Easy Grammer, Daily Grams, Total Language Plus and literature

5th Math: Lisa Lang, Horizons

6th Math: Denise Vogel, McDougal Littell

3rd/4th Grade Teachers & Curriculum

These are the 3rd and 4th grade teachers and curriculum that I know about as of July 17, 2008.

History: Tom Clinkscale, A Beka History of Our United States, Geography & Maps, and State Notebook

Science: Evelyn Baker, A Beka Understanding God's World & Developing Good Health

English: Clare Holcomb, Daily Grams 4th, Easy Grammar 4th, literature

3rd Math:

4th Math: Sunny Rumberger, Saxon 54

1st/2nd Grade Teachers and Curriculum

These are the 1st and 2nd grade teachers and curriculum that I know about as of July 17, 2008.

History: Molly Streby, A Beka 2nd grade text

Science: Bobbi Male, habitats unit studies

English: Mary Johnson (unless someone else takes it), First Language Lessons

1st Math:

2nd Math: Mary Johnson, A Beka

Kindergarten teachers and curriculum

These are the PreK and Kindergarten teachers that I know about as of July 17, 2008. For sake of simplicity, we will refer to this class as Kindergarten.

History: Charlotte Grogan

Science: Jessica Ivey

English: Mary Ann Moran

Math: Kim Woodell

At this point, you did not need to purchase curriculum for these classes.

Welcome to the Providence Blog!


This is the impromptu, unofficial blog site for the Providence home school co-op. It is moderated by Virginia Knowles, who may or may not have time for it during any given week. (In other words, I make no guarantee about how current this will be!)

The purpose of this blog is to give teachers an opportunity to post information and photos about their classes, such as what you have been doing, interesting web links or resources, that you have found, what you need feedback about, etc. I trust that everything shared will be edifying to the group! This is not a place for complaints or criticisms.

For privacy, please do not use last names when talking about your students. Also, please do not identify the city or any other identifying place where this co-op is located.

I will set up several categories that you can use for labels on your posts, such as grade levels. These will appear on the right hand side of the screen to make it easy for people to see posts by categories. Please do not use any other labels unless you check with Virginia Knowles.